Maybe God wishes to teach me a thousand new things, move me from being in a thousand different directions to just ONE, and show me a thousand reasons to BLESS his name. Maybe that is why He moved me 1,000 miles away.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Niagre Falls in the Winter

We couldn't believe how powerful the water was, even in the winter. Chunks of ice whirled and crashed over eddys and swirled around rocks. It was breathtaking in the winter. I'm so glad we made the drive and braved the cold, icy wind to see the falls. My favorite part was how amazing the trees looked, covered in a frosty layer of ice. The terrain under our feet was a thick layer of ice and we tromped on top as if we had snowshoes on. It was soooo cold, we didn't stay long. However, it was well worth the drive.
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Favorite Pictures from December

Right before we left for MN, we had a lovely and rare December snow accumilation, and a not so rare but important visit to Chik Fil A. We knew that it would be our last visit with the cow and his tender chicken until our return.
We had a great time with friends and family. It wasn't long enough and we never had any days off school in our own home so we have extended school break this week so that we can get ourselves organized and geared up for the long stint of homeschooling that all moms approach with dread....the stretch of Jan-Feb-March.
This week I'll do some painting, organizing, pitching old stuff, cleaning rooms, and figuring out the homeschool plan for the second half of the year. Go Goodmans, Go!