So I told Jackson today for his journal exercise to write a nice descriptive sentence but to make it gross and disgusting....within reason. Audrey was nearby and said, "like use the word blood."
Of course, without telling him the LENGTH of the sentence, he tried to come up with the shortest he could. Here is his sentence:
One day, Chloe had a tape worm.
I laughed so hard, delighted at his creative approach to being disgusting with the least amount of words, I didn't ask him to do it over again.
Whoa Jackson, did Chloe see this BEFORE or AFTER (i'm guessing before)
Hey Chloe, you let Jackson write that?
chloe, did you laugh or hit 'em?
Maria, I saw it before and screamed my head off as they were putting it on the blog.
Kendall, I hit him, here is my knew gross sentence, I live with Jackson. ( JK I love Jackson no matter what he does.)
And to all those blog readers, I am fully boycotting the blog a thousand miles until I get a public apology in the comment section.
From who?
My Mother !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Kerrrriiii, could you apoligize? i can only leave commnts on your blog, not Chloe's so this is my only way to commnt back and forth (she doesn't check her email much) PLEASE SAY YOU'RE SORRY FOR PUTTING THAT SENTECE UP!!
one should never appologise for being truthful.
**I will say that Chloe has never had a tape worm, and I apologise if someone actually believed that she actually had one. To our knowledge, she has not and currently does not have a tape worm.
Chloe, is that enough?
WELL.....................................................................................................................................................YES! thanks mom, i forgive you..................................MARIA- Viset my blog!
For some reason my comment went weird, I forgive you mom.....
MARIA- visit my blog!
I don't know...tapeworms don't seem so bad....
I agree with Deb.
You could have a new jar-pet. I'm always into those.
I di visit you blog CHloe, and the spider thing is soooooo cool, wish I could have been there like the other times when you guys told me about big spiders and I came to see them.
Where was Jackson during the spider episode?
A+ for following directions. That is definitely gross!
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