Maybe God wishes to teach me a thousand new things, move me from being in a thousand different directions to just ONE, and show me a thousand reasons to BLESS his name. Maybe that is why He moved me 1,000 miles away.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

eight things happened.

1. Benjamin got his toof!
2. Audrey caught a tadpole.
3. Tadpole died.
4. Jackson mowed over a huge underground beehive and was swarmed.
5. Research was done on how to make a torch to kill beehive.
6. We walked to the park this evening at dusk.
7. Chloe wore a large bedsheet at the park and was swinging in the twilight.
8. Benjamin got his high chair.

Monday, August 25, 2008

a gloomy sky

For the first time in what feels like 6 weeks....the sky is a little gray and gloomy. This could be the perfect day for working on my school room. Hmmm is that because I equate a gloomy day with homeschooling? Most of the time, no. Usually I am keenly aware of the benefits that homeschooling brings to me and my kids. However, the transition from summer to school is always trying and difficult, and today it feels a little gloomy. Each fall I think to myself, "I am not getting everything accomplished that I want to right now, so how on earth can I add in school???" I've asked around my homeschool circles throughout the 7 years of homeschooling, and I have found that many a mom asks themselves that exact same question, year after year.

So, I'm digging out old books from years past, and adding in new books that keep arriving daily and formulating my plan. I'll organize, restructure the shelves, add in a new bookcase, update my computerized library, remove unused books, create a curriculum for history/bible and then look at everything and make a working schedule. Time to make the most of this glorious, gloomy day!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Birthday Flashback

I just saw this and couldn't resist posting.

Turning 38 is GREAT!

Happy Birthday? Yes it was. Chloe and Audrey saw to that!

The morning began with a special breakfast. Looks yummmy!

The doorbell rang and when I opened the door I saw ZOOM Jr! For those of you who haven't met Zoom at your birthday, he is an outerspace man who mysteriously appears at the door, sings one dandy song personalized with the birthday boy/girl's name, and then leaves just as he came.

Lunching at Chik Fil A, an afternoon working on some fun house projects, running some much needed errands, taking turns singing "pedestrian theme songs" on the way, and having my hair done at Audrey's Style Salon was the way I spent my special day.

And now an unrelated picture I took 2 days earlier of Benjamin after feasting on a teething biscuit....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Like storm clouds on the horizon....

Hockey Season Begins.

It is still August, but here in PA the official hockey season has begun. August. Hockey in the summer? I don't think even the Canadians are this insane! Minnesota and Michigan are the big hockey states, and they wait until mid October to get the team rosters together and start carving the ice. I am not sure why hockey begins so early, and it is a shame as it cuts into fall activities and sports that many boys would like to play.

So, as we all gear up for another season of action and fun, I have decided to psych up myself with my version of "you might be a hockey parent..."

You might be a hockey parent if......

~your e-mail account has hockeymom or your child's number somewhere in it.

~you upgrade from a minivan to a suburban so you can fit your son's hockey bag in the back.

~you clock the miles to tournaments and take bets on which will be lower, the fees or the mileage.

~your husband knows all the names of the kids your son has ever played with and their birthdays, but doesn't know the names of the neighbor's kids and hasn't a clue the birthdays of your neices or nephews.

~you plan the birth of your next child so it lands just prime for the hockey cut-offs.

~you rush home after each game (and practice) to enter the stats in your own computerized spreadsheet.

~you simply cannot relate with a parent of a soccer player.

~you find yourself stumped when trying to open a conversation with a family that doesn't play hockey.

~you walk around the house humming "hockey rock"tunes.

~you trip over hockey gear on your son's floor, which is only picked up when it is loaded into the bag for the next practice.

~you no longer find the smell of his equipment "offensive".

~your other children have acclimated to the hockey rink climate and no longer require winter coats, hats, or gloves when the temperature is above 18 degrees.

~Vending machine coffee and hot chocolate are a delicacy.


Benjamin was officially christened into the Scott family when his feet were dipped into Lake Sylvia July 20th. Onlookers Grandma and Papa couldn't have been more elated. The smile shows it all -- Benjamin truly loves the water.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


School begins for us Sept. 8th. This week I will order loads of new books and curricula. This is the most fun part of homeschooling! Like fresh paint on a barn to a farmer , so are new materials to a homeschool family.
When does it start for your kids?
Just curious.....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Three Weeks

That is how long we were in Minnesota. It was a great trip full of time with family, friends and cabin memories.

The twenty hour car ride on the way there went without a hitch, but the way home Little Ben had caught a very bad cold and was everyone but the driver took turns trying to appease a stuffy, sick, tired - but - can't - sleep baby.
Audrey, Chloe and Jackson are Benjamin's hero's. They never grow impatient and always have a new idea of how to make him smile.

I don't know how many moms out there can say that after spending three weeks with their kids 24/7 traveling from home to home will come away loving their kids even more....but I can say it. I'm blessed to have such a wonderful troop.

I have pictures and stories to share, but not until I get a good night's rest (please sleep my little sick baby...) and upload some of the pictures.

It is strange, but the kids and I all had the same feeling: We were so sad to leave MN, but after arriving "home" in PA we realized that it is our home now, and it actually felt good to be back. I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I suspect we are all making peace with the move and that is a good thing.