Maybe God wishes to teach me a thousand new things, move me from being in a thousand different directions to just ONE, and show me a thousand reasons to BLESS his name. Maybe that is why He moved me 1,000 miles away.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

little baker

A treat was made and split four ways so everyone could try the easy bake delight!


Anonymous said...

Hello Hellllllo, Hellllo,

Anybody home? Am I doing this right?

Yes, it's me, Julie-the-techno-nerd. After years of you trying to get me to post on a blog, I'm stepping out of my comfort zone.

Now what do I do? Am I suppose to comment on the pictures? ok..

Audrey, the chef babe, your dessert looks scrumptious.

How did I do? see ya (:

2and2is6 said...

Audrey- Maliya wishes she could bake a cake with you- looks like so much fun! You are a talented and beautiful cook! Miss you!

Kerri said...

Hi Lori,
I hope that you all had a restful weekend after such a long hard week! Tell Maliya Audrey is mailing her a package tomorrow!

Pam said...

I loved my Easy Bake oven as a kid. Elsa got one last year and loves to cook! Yum, Audrey! Can you mail us a cake?!

Kerri said...

I'd love to see you eat one of those things after being in the mail system for 3 days! On a desperate day, I must say, I'd eat it. Especially when 36 weeks pregnant. :)