Maybe God wishes to teach me a thousand new things, move me from being in a thousand different directions to just ONE, and show me a thousand reasons to BLESS his name. Maybe that is why He moved me 1,000 miles away.

Monday, August 25, 2008

a gloomy sky

For the first time in what feels like 6 weeks....the sky is a little gray and gloomy. This could be the perfect day for working on my school room. Hmmm is that because I equate a gloomy day with homeschooling? Most of the time, no. Usually I am keenly aware of the benefits that homeschooling brings to me and my kids. However, the transition from summer to school is always trying and difficult, and today it feels a little gloomy. Each fall I think to myself, "I am not getting everything accomplished that I want to right now, so how on earth can I add in school???" I've asked around my homeschool circles throughout the 7 years of homeschooling, and I have found that many a mom asks themselves that exact same question, year after year.

So, I'm digging out old books from years past, and adding in new books that keep arriving daily and formulating my plan. I'll organize, restructure the shelves, add in a new bookcase, update my computerized library, remove unused books, create a curriculum for history/bible and then look at everything and make a working schedule. Time to make the most of this glorious, gloomy day!


deb said...

Here it is a beautiful sunny day with temps in the 70's and I'm taking Kendall to meet a friend at a movie. That just feels wrong, but days without soccer are few so that's how it goes. Jenna wants to see the movie too so we're going to sit far away & pretend we don't know them...maybe. Heh heh

Good luck with your school stuff!

Jessica said...

oh...a gloomy day sounds so nice right now. sometimes sunny days bring with them entirely too much pressure to enjoy them. that, and i recently got awesome new glasses that i want to wear, but when it's sunny, i wear my contacts so i can wear sunglasses while driving. but i really can't complain about the amazing beautiful weather we've had.

Jessica said...
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Skittles said...

i like it when its sunny and about 75-80 degrees. thats like the perfect day!!!

Jessica said...

we got our gloomy day today. i have to agree with skittles...75 and sunny can't beat wearing new fun glasses.

deb said...

Jessica, when ya gonna post a picture of those new fun glasses?

Kerri said...

yes, please show us the glasses!
today was sunny, so the pressure was on and we went to the park, twice.
yesterday we caught tadpoles, and unfortunately, squiddy only lasted one day. ick. I'll have to have jackson fish out the dead floating tadpole.

Anonymous said...

oo, you need to send US the tadpoles, we've always been able to keep things alive. hey, next time you get one, send it here ASAP and we'll see what we can do... :)