School begins for us Sept. 8th. This week I will order loads of new books and curricula. This is the most fun part of homeschooling! Like fresh paint on a barn to a farmer , so are new materials to a homeschool family.
When does it start for your kids?
Just curious.....
Chloe, Jackson, and Audrey: I feel bad for you that you have to start school soon! - Although we will be starting on the 2nd of September, so that means we will once again be able to beat you at getting done with the school year -
AND... On the 2nd I start Spanish, Biology, and Writing Class (I'm looking forward to all three classes!)
So yeah, i'm back. Kerri, could you email me and tell me how to get a blog like Chloe's?
Hey~love the new blog look! Where can I order that bunny on a rooster?
I'm not sure you're talking to me since we don't belong to your homeschool club, but we start school Sept. 2 & Jenna is equally as excited about her new stuff. All we still need is a dandy new lunchbox (glad I can still buy one as the high schooler uses a paper bag) :(
Yes, I'm talking to everyone! We do not discriminate at this blog. Oh good! I like to start 1 week after regular schoolers return, so it looks like I'm on track for that. We go to the zoo the week that all the school kids are back, and organize the school areas and what nots. is that one word? whatnots. I don't know.
I wanted to buy all Chloe's stuff "Camp Rock" just to tease her. Audrey wanted me to buy all Hannah Montana stuff to tease Chloe. Thing is, Chloe loves the show, but doesn't want to wear the tee shirts or carry a back pack with her face on it.
Oh no, even Jenna who is in the prime Hannah demographic will not use Hannah Montanta anything even though she loves the show. It's just not cool.
I feel your excitement- I'm hoping to order all my stuff later this week! we also do daily field trips that first real week of school- feels so decadent to just be out and about when everyone else is slaving away
missing you guys so much!!!! it was wonderful to be with you all!!!!seems like a dream.
After reading your post I was pretty sure I would hear some complaints about starting school before you guys.
Well, I can always count on the fact that my kids want to beat yours getting done with school. I never understood why when you were across the street - they would get done and beg to call your family to come play!
We had a great time seeing you guys again (and meeting Benjamin!). I'm glad your PA home is beginning to feel like home.
-Mario's mom
A little "healthy?" competition?
Hello Everyone!
I can't believe you start school so late....I start teaching in Hamburg on the 25th of August! I wish you all the best of luck and look forward to checking in on the blog! I'll miss seeing all of you at the Little Gym, but I hope to run into all of you sometime.
-Mr. Dave
Ah, that is the beauty of homeschooling! Congradulations on your teaching job -- Audrey will miss seeing you there, as I'm sure all your kids will.
Mario and Mario's mom...
competition is a good thing, how about you and Chloe do an e-mail spelling bee??? (ha! that would be well as frustrating...perhaps humiliating???)
We had a great time seeing you and are looking for your reservations here at the Goodman B&B with a free map to that train show.
We can't wait!!!!!!!!
Chloe, we really need to use the webcam, then MAYBE we could do a spelling bee. email wouldn't be fair since there's auto spell check and all...
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