It's a poor quality shot, but as you can see, our herd was welcomed like family by the Eat Mor Chikin' Cow.
In fact, you may see us in a promo sometime soon, as the Chick fil a representative had me sign a release form for the rights to our picture. We also were informed that we could win a grand prize of FREE FOOD for an entire month. Imagine that!
Ha, that looks cool! (isn't that the costume for Zoom or whoever it is who comes to all the b-days (includeing those of younger kids in my family)?)
Oh Kerri,
You have got to be the coolest mom I know - until the kids are more into their teens.....then, well, maybe not so much. I cannot imagine why Roy didn't want to go! I know Steve would be there in a heartbeat, well, only if it was his last one.
That is too funny!
Yeah, Audrey thought I was cool, Jackson is already planning his outfit for next year...but Chloe said, "MOM, are you REALLY going to do it?" I'm not so sure she would have been too thrilled about dressing up as a cow out in public.
CHLOE?! And I thought Jackson might be the reluctant one, but that just goes to show that not being with you guys constantly for a few months has warped my sence of character. (I thought Chloe might like it...)
Well, those are some pretty good lookin' cows. Honestly I think you could have fashioned some felt horns or something, but maybe next year with Chloe's help. :P
I can't wait to get to PA & get me some chik fil a!!!
Man, you have quite the fun in PN. Quite the fun.
Skittles, that's PA. Tonight I will print a study guide of US abbreviations. Summer is bad for kids' brains. :P
oh my goodness!! i put PN?!?!?! man i really must be loosing it...maybe it was because it was at 9:06 pm
i love the zoom costume with the spots!:) what were the spots made out of?
Next year when little Ben toddles in with his widdle cow costume, that month of free food will be yours FOR SURE!
we were in a rush, so basically I stacked up some black paper and cut out blotches and taped them to me and the kids. Next year I hope to be better prepared.
We are making plans to win the contest. I am already swimming with ideas....
Like what?
This is all cute and everything, but why do you dress up as a COW to get free CHICKEN and a CHICKEN place?
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