For the first location where the stink bug has been documented. A native from Japan and China, the stink bug is a pesky critter that really does stink horribly if you succeed in killing it. They cling to the side of the house looking for an opportunity to get inside. Here is what the Penn State Department of Entomology says on their website:
Even though these insects do not harm humans and do not reproduce inside structures such as houses, they cause concern when they become active and conspicuous in fall and spring. If many of them are squashed or pulled into a vacuum cleaner, their smell can be quite apparent.
For homeschool science class one year Jackson had to catch, kill and mount different insects. We've thought many times about catching, freezing and mailing our good friend Maria (who mounts bugs just for "fun") some of the strange varieties of bugs we have here. This is one bug that we will NOT be mounting here...or sending to MN.
Stink bugs. Just another one of those interesting suprises about living in PA.
I think Mr. Stink Bug is pretty awesome looking with the many patterns on his back. He reminds me of a marble tabletop or something. I like him. It's ok to like things that stink (like kids after soccer games, hubbys after basketball, dogs after a romp in the swamp...)
Don't you want to smash just one to see what the fuss is about? Do it! It won't be worse than poopy diapers.
A friend told me to put one in the garbage disposal and crunch him up and then your house will be filled with the smell.
However, I also hear that other stink bugs will smell the smell and come swarming.
Smash one in your garage & see if they swarm. Then you can go on Mythbusters.
ok. perhaps a news program will interveiw me if I'm featured on mythbusters. hey, I made you a dvd today and will send it in the mail on monday. I made a couple errors on it, but it took FOREVER to burn so I'm sending it anyway. Hope you like it. It's from the cabin :)
sweet! for both the bug and the dvd! although they sound like a pain to have around. casey would eat them.
And then Casey would have horible breath!
As for sending bugs, please do! it would be sooooooo COOL to have bugs from another state!
Yeah, and Mario could colonize them and be solely responsible for introducing a new breed of bugs to Minnesota!
Bet you'd win a blue ribbon at the science fair for that! :)
YES! and that would be so amazing! although i'm not sure what my mom would think about it...
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