Maybe God wishes to teach me a thousand new things, move me from being in a thousand different directions to just ONE, and show me a thousand reasons to BLESS his name. Maybe that is why He moved me 1,000 miles away.

Friday, September 19, 2008

We took Benjamin out of his stoller for a picture, but he had no interest in smiling and spent most of his time pulling out the grass and trying to eat it. We spent most our time trying to keep him from eating it, and encouraging him to smile. We gave up.

On our walk, we couldn't help but stop and rest here a while.

On the way back to the car we enjoyed watching this blue heron until he noticed us and glided upstream.

I needed a day like today~ Thanks God for giving it to me!

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Skittles said...

wow that was a long 3 posts!

Pam said...

Love all the stone buildings. Places around here don't have quite the sense of age. Nice pictures.

Kerri said...

I know skittles. And, with your life full of homework, sports, friends...I appreciate you taking the time to read my long post! I would have made it shorter but I didn't have the time to figure out which pictures I liked best, or how to word things more concise. It takes more work sometimes to make things short, than long.
I like the new look too! It is fun to change it around :)

deb said...
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deb said...

Ok, I really like the new background, but I'm a bit concerned that you have become OCD or something. It looks nice..just walk away and leave it can do it. :)

Pretty pictures of your Friday!

Kerri said...

Yes, yes....I like it. The new picture on top didn't match the old background so I played with it a while but this one matches. The last one I didn't like but didn't have time to switch it so it was there a couple days.
Perhaps I'm becoming addicted to change or something....

Jessica said...

Kerri - you might live in one of the most beautiful places in the country! I'm so glad you posted all those makes me think of PA as beautiful as opposed to humid and buggy and swarming with hippies..:) not that there's anything wrong with hippies.

seriously, going through your posts is so's like time just slows down and things make a little more sense.

Kerri said...

there are certainly some beautiful areas here, but there are some serious eyesores as well (downtown allentown is just plain scary!)
I've not personally encountered any hippies, but sometimes I see their vans (homes) driving around. There are a couple strange "dwellings" in the area...

So as not to misrepresent my life, I must assure you that many days are not at all the relaxing stroll you read about...but if I took pictures of a dirty bathroom and screaming baby and a boy who smells like hockey sweat and a car that has fastfood wrappers falling out when the door opens...who would want to read that?!?

Maria Gianna said...

ME!!!!!! I would love to read that! I mean, I'm sure you could make it sound interesting! come one, try me!

Kerri said...

Hey, mario...
why would you want to read about it when you can just live it? Well, except the hockey sweat part...and you have to add in a bit more what with that silly little sister of yours (KT) !
Oh, and Michael doesn't cry and scream...does he? No, not Michael..the angel.... ;)

Maria Gianna said...

Hockey sweat, from what I hear, I can live without :)
And KD does make life interesting.
As for Mike-It (Michael) you'd be supprised at what he does. He chases Sir Kate around the house and pulls the poor bunny's ears.

but the reaon I would read a post like that is because I want to make sure your life isn't the most perfect heavenly thing on earth becuase that would make me jealous. And doesn't everyone take comfort in the fact that they're not the only ones with problems?

Kerri said...

Aw, maria. If you guys lived across the street, then it would be perfect. I miss you eating my spicy skillet pasta at our dinner table.

Maria Gianna said...

Oh yeah, that was good. so was all the other food at your house. man, now you made me hungry and Mom desperatly needs to go shoping for food!