Maybe God wishes to teach me a thousand new things, move me from being in a thousand different directions to just ONE, and show me a thousand reasons to BLESS his name. Maybe that is why He moved me 1,000 miles away.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloweeen Fun!

Baby scarecrow
Fairy Godmother

Super girl


Oh. Garbage Bag Super Hero


Skittles said...

ben is so cute! chloe is so beautiful! jackson is so...weird! HOW DID HE COME UP WITH THAT?!?! well, he's a Goodman, thats how!

Pam said...

I'm hoping Chloe didn't dig through your closet for that dress. Hilarious.

Jackson gets first place for most original! Nice work.

deb said...

Wow! What to say...cuteness all around! Although I guess I wouldn't really call GB Hero "cute"..he's more, um, unique. One of a kind definitely! :)

Katie-Kat said...

Ben is so darling!!!

Skittles said...

hey how'd you get on my aunt's blog??

Maria Gianna said...

Hey, not to say your costume wasn't cool Chloe, but my favorite was Garbage Bag Super hero or whatever it was. THAT was FUNNY!

Kerri said...

Garbage Bag Super Hero had a theme song. Here is a taste of it:
Garbage Bag Super Hero...
Garbage Bag Super Hero...
After he saves the day...
You can throw your trash away...

I offered to follow him around singing it, but he declined. I did do it for a little while, softly, mostly to myself...

Maria Gianna said...

Oo, now i like Garbage Bag Super Hero even more with a theme song!