My sister tagged me. I am participating out of love for her...and out of respect for my elders.
Here are the 6 random things to know about me:
1. I can perfectly impersonate the entire twiddle bug family (think Sesame Street the early years).
2. In the late 80's I had so much hair...which I spiral permed...that I couldn't comb it even with a pick so my secret was I never ever combed my hair...ever.
3. While this is not even close to the fame my older sister earned, my picture was published twice in a teen devotional book, and I was a background singer in one song in a recording for a band that I think is still out there somewhere.
4. My nerd qualities: I like the old star trek the best, and second I like Star Trek the Next Generation, I play ancient civilization war simulation games on my computer, and I really like learning about birds.
5. I am a podcast sermon junkie. My favorites are: John Piper, James McDonald, Alistar Begg and Way of the Master Radio.
6. I can spot quite a few constellations in the sky..the only thing I really remember from any of my college courses.
What's this about being a background singer?!? I loved your thoughtful, pensive devotional book picture. I can still see it in my minds eye. Your fame will live forever, while mine was fleeting & only witnessed by a few.
Will the real Sarah Palin please stand up?
That is GREAT!!!! Ha! I'm Laughing outloud! Please send me the picture so I can update my blog with your picture as well! That is, if you want to be a part of my freak show...I mean fun show in vegas!!!!!
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